Resources - Psalm 23
A range of resources that I hope you can use!
Psalm 23 divides itself into three sections: V1-3, v4, v5-6
We did one section each Sunday.
To tie it all together we made a large board that showed the three sections. Undergirding it were hands to show God in charge and caring for us.
We had a silhouette of a man and a woman that we asked someone to stick onto each section at the start of the service. The next week we moved them onto the next section.
Click on each image for a full sized version if you need it.
For V1-3
We talked about how God provides what we need, not what we want. He provides a place to live, food to eat and clothes to wear. We also talked about how many folk also needed carers, wheelchairs etc. We got people to stick the relevant photos onto the board.
The small pictures of the house, clothes and food are in this word document, as are the silhouettes and the smiley faces.
If it is of any help to you, here is the sermon for the section, (In Word) and an accompanying presentation (In Powerpoint)
There is a "Rope Prayer" at the end of the sermon. The words are different, but here is some idea of how to use it.
For V4
We talked about the fact that God was with us even when things were horrible, we felt scared or worried etc
For V5-6
We talked about how God invites us to a feast, and invites us to be His friends forever.
At the end of each talk we stuck on a smiley face with a tick, and explained that this showed that God cared for us whatever was going on.
The original version of this is in this Word document
By the time we had done all three sections the board looked like this
Materials needed
- Board or equivalent
- Relevant photos which you can blow up to a larger size. There is a free facility to do this on the web.
- If you have a Mac try using PosteRazor from here
- Here are the photos we used for the items to go on the board.
- Section one photo and the poster version in PDF
- Section two photo and the poster version in PDF
- Section three photo and the poster version in PDF
- Left hand photo and poster version in PDF
- Right hand photo and poster version in PDF
The PDF poster versions will need to be cut up and stuck together in some way. The main photos are for you to use if you want to start afresh.
We also made some sheep for another series of talks, but they could be used here as well!
Cut out the shapes as shown, and mark in faces and hooves.
You will see that we added an extra bit of cardboard to one side inside. This is to help keep the sheeps' legs apart so they stand up. In hindsight, we would have put a thicker extra bit in, because as you wind the wool round, it tends to pull the legs together.
Wrap around with lots of fluffy white wool to make your sheep! Splay the legs apart if necessaery to help them stand up.
Another idea based on the above materials
Here is a simple version of the Psalm that we used sometimes
I am like a sheep who belongs to a Shepherd.
But my shepherd is God.
I have everything I need.
God gives me a nice place to sleep.
God gives me a safe place to be.
God makes me feel loved.
God shows me how to be good.
Even if I am in a scary place, I don't have to be afraid.
God is always with me to help me and guide me.
God will always be ready to help me even when bad people are around me.
God will be proud of me and give me blessings.
God's love and kindness will always be with me.
I will be loved by God forever.
And here is the outline of how we used it. (PDF) Pictures mentioned in the outline are in the materials above.