Resources - Prayers
This page has some general concepts that you may find useful.
There are also some limited copyright issues, which are towards the bottom of that page here. Please do read them. They are not complex!
I also make some comments about the source of material - again please read, especially if you recognise your material! I mean no offense.
There is also an Alphabetical list of resources here
There is a full alphabetical list of Resources here.
I have listed here a wide range of prayers that we use. You will note that I have taken ideas from all over the place including the Celtic tradition. In all cases I have needed to make the language much simpler.
Some are striaghtforward prayers. Some are responsive prayers and some are chants. Please do adapt them as you require.
You might also like to see a session we did that explained that we no longer need a priest to pray on our behalf, but we can talk to Jesus directly.
The main categories are:
Also see our three weekly series on praying - "Talk to Jesus first!"
At the start of the meeting
In the Beginning. A declaration using a candle, a Bible and a cross. God creates light, talks to us, and died for us. The page has two versions of this.
Lord Jesus be with us - a simple introductory prayer.
Lighting a candle - a prayer that reminds us of the Trinity.
Lord Jesus help us to... - a responsive introductory prayer.
Praising God - another starting praise prayer with a presentation.
You did that for me! A responsive prayer (PDF) Accompanying Presentation (PowerPoint)
Nothing is too hard for God. A responsive prayer
Thank you Jesus. A responsive prayer of thanks ending with a simple blessing. The prayer (PDF) The presentation (PowerPoint)
Thank You (PDF) - A responsive prayer thanking God for Creation. There is no presentation for this but it would be very easy to create a slide show to match the words, or use photos or slides, or even some tangible items to demonstrate the words.
Jesus loves me - a joyful responsive prayer!
Jesus Saviour and King - a responsive shout of praise!
Nothing can separate us from the love of God!
Saying sorry and forgiveness
A responsive prayer in two parts. Part 1 says sorry and Part 2 takes this on to our behaviour. The prayers (Word) The presentation (PowerPoint)
Knowing we are forgiven - a happy responsive prayer saying how great God is to forgive us
Thank you for Forgiveness - a responsive prayer, with actions, recognising that we sin, but thanking God for His forgiveness.
What we believe
Come and see Jesus. A responsive prayer that has as its response, "We believe in Jesus"
A variety of blessings - responsive, led, etc
A prayer for love based in 1 Corinthians 13 Love