Resources - Ideas for Communion

FCC at Worship

We hold communion (or Eucharist or Breaking of Bread) once a month.  We feel comfortable in not setting a scene of quiet reverence.  Mainly because we would not succeed, so we do not put ourselves or others under that pressure!

We use gluten free bread, and Ribena.  We tried offering both wine and Ribens, but it became complex, and even nosier as we had to ask each person what they wanted. 

Be aware of people who cannot eat and or swallow.  Take advice from carers. 

The format we have settled with is:

We project a slide of a communion cup and bread,to act as a key or pointer.  This is not essential!  Picture is here or click on this thumbnail for larger picture. Communion picture

We give a very brief explanation of what we are doing.  Currently we focus more on remembering Jesus and what His love for us.




At the start we use this prayer:

Here is a bread roll.

All: We will think about Jesus.

Here is some Ribena.

All: We will think about Jesus.

Watch as the roll is broken and we drink the Ribena.

All: We will think about Jesus.

After everyone has had bread and Ribena, we say:

Now we have eaten the bread and drunk the Ribena.

All: We thought about Jesus.

We did all this to think about Jesus, and God’s great love for us! Amen

During the first section we project this image. (Click on image for full-size)





During the second section we project this image. (Click on image for full-size)

We thought about Jesus





Feel free to download and use these images if they of any use to you.


Also see Resources - Alphabetical list, and look for "Bible studies" All things new: A new meal


This page has some general concepts that you may find useful.

There are also some limited copyright issues, which are towards the bottom of that page here. Please do read them. They are not complex!

I also make some comments about the source of material - again please read, especially if you recognise your material! I mean no offense.

There is also an Alphabetical list of resources here