Resources - 1 Corinthians 13 Love
Please feel free to adapt this to meet your needs.
This page has some general concepts that you may find useful.
There are also some limited copyright issues, which are towards the bottom of that page here. Please do read them. They are not complex!
I also make some comments about the source of material - again please read, especially if you recognise your material! I mean no offense.
There is also an Alphabetical list of resources here
This first section is a Bible reading from 1 Corinthians 13 that involves everyone.
Reader: And now I will tell you about something really great! I COULD talk about lots of different silly things like the weather or sport,
All: But make sure you love other people
Reader: I can tell you all the things that God has said to me
All: But make sure you love other people
Reader: I can be a really brave person. I can do all sorts of really great things
All: But make sure you love other people
Reader: I can even give everythings that I have to poor people
All: But make sure you love other people
Reader: Perhaps I could be really clever and know all sorts of complicated things
All: But make sure you love other people
Reader: I could be rich and have lots of money
All: But make sure you love other people
This next section is a prayer asking God to help us love.
Once again encourage people to be involved
Reader: Love always waits for people. Love does not moan when the dinner is late!
All: Lord, help me to love
Reader: Love is kind to other people
All: Lord, help me to love
Reader: Love does not get angry when other people have better things than I do.
All: Lord, help me to love
Reader: Love does not say, "I am better than you!"
All: Lord, help me to love
Reader: Love is not rude. Love does not swear.
All: Lord, help me to love
Reader: Love does not get angry.
All: Lord, help me to love
Reader: Love does not remember the wrong thinsg that people have done to me.
All: Lord, help me to love
Reader: Love always tells the truth
All: Lord, help me to love